České názvy
(CEP a BKR) [3]
Anglické názvy |
Odkazy v Hebrejské Bibli |
Hospodinových bojů
Kniha válek Yahweho |
of the Wars of Yahweh
Book of the Wars of the Lord
Book of the Wars of Jehovah |
Nu21:14 |
Kniha Přímého
Kniha Upřímého |
Book of
Book of the Just
Book of Jasher
Book of the Upright |
2S1:18 |
příběhů Šalomounových
Kniha činů Šalomounových.
of the Acts of Solomon
Book of the Life of Solomon
Book of the Chronicles of Solomon.
Book of the Annals of Solomon.
Book of the Matters of Solomon |
1Kr11:41 |
Samuela, vidoucího
Kniha Samuele proroka |
Chronicles of Samuel the
History of Samuel the seer
Records of the seer Samuel
Record of Samuel the seer
Book of Samuel the seer |
1Pa29:29 |
proroka Nátana
Kniha Nátana proroka |
Chronicles of Nathan the Prophet
History of Nathan the Prophet
Records of the Prophet Nathan
Record of Nathan the Prophet
Book of Nathan the Prophet |
2Pa9:29 |
Gáda, jenž měl dar vidění
Kniha Gáda proroka |
Chronicles of Gad the
History of Gad the seer
Records of the seer Gad
Record of Gad the seer
Book of Gad the seer |
1Pa29:29 |
Proroctví Achijáše Šíloského
Proroctví Achiáše Silonského |
of Ahijah the Shilonite
Words of Achia the Selonite
Prophecies of Ahijah the Shilonite
Prophecy of Ahijah of Shiloh
Prophecy of Ahijah from Shiloh |
2Pa9:29 |
vidoucího Jeeda
Vidění Jaaddy proroka |
of Iddo the Seer
Visions of Joel the Seer
Visions of the seer Iddo
Visions of Jedo the Seer |
2Pa9:29; 12:15; 13:22 |
proroka Šemajáše
Knihy Semaiáše proroka |
Chronicles of Shemaiah the prophet
Book of Samaia the prophet
Records of the prophet Shemaiah
History of Shemaiah the prophet
Chronicles of the prophet Shemaiah
Record of Shemaiah the Prophet
Book of Shemaiah the prophet
Histories of Shemaiah the prophet |
2Pa12:15 |
Jehúa, syna Chananího,
Knihy Jéhu syna Chanani |
Chronicles of Jehu the son of Hanani
History of Jeu the son of Anani
Annals of Jehu son of Hanani
Chronicle of Jehu, son of Hanani
Records of Jehu son of Hanani
Record of Jehu Son of Hanani
Book of Jehu the son of Hanani
Words of Jehu the son of Hanani |
2Pa20:34 |
Knihy Chozai |
Chronicles of the Seers
Books of the seers
Records of the seers
History of his seers
Records of the Hozai
Words of Hozai
Record of the Seers
Sayings of the seers.
Sayings of Hozai
History of the seers. |
2Pa33:19 |
Kniha smlouvy
(není jasné, zda je či není součástí nynější verze Exodu) |
Book of
the Covenant
Record of the covenant |
Ex24:7 |
Věci Uziášovy
(psané Izajášem)
Acts of
Acts of Ozias,
Events of Uzziah's reign
History of Uzziah
Matters of Uzziah |
2Pa26:22 |
Výklad proroka
Kniha proroka Iddo
(a v něm příběhy Abijášovy)
Zřejmě se nejedná o text "Vidění
vidoucího Jeeda ". |
Story of
the prophet Iddo.
Book of the prophet Addo.
Midrash of the prophet Iddo.
Treatise of the prophet Iddo.
Annotations of the prophet Iddo
Commentary of Iddo the Prophet.
Annals of the prophet Iddo.
Inquiry of the prophet Iddo.
Commentary of the prophet Iddo. |
2Pa13:22 |
kniha zápisů
kniha kronik |
Book of Records
annals (of ancestors)
historical records
record books
records (of fathers)
archives (of predecessors)
books of the histories |
Ezd4:15 |
Kniha letopisů
Knihu letopisů památných událostí
knihy pamětné, kroniky
Kniha letopisů králů médských a perských
Book of
the Chronicles (of the Kings of Media and Persia)
Royal records of the good offices of Mardochaeus
Book of annals
The Book of the History of King Xerxes' Reign.
book of memorable deeds,
chronicle of notable events
book of the Persians and Medes
Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia
Book of the History of the Kings of Media and Persia |
Est2:23, 6:1, 10:2 |
Odkazy na
texty bez udání jejich názvu : |
Právo královské,
zapsané Samuelem do knihy
Správa království,
vepsaná to do knihy Samuelem |
and duties of the kingship
Manner of the king
Law of royalty
Ordinances of the kingdom
Rules of the monarchy
Regulations of the kingship
King's constitutional position
Rights and duties of a king
Manner of the kingdom
Behavior of royalty
Right of the kingdom |
1S10:25 |